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About Us

About Us
Branford’s before- and after-school care program is called SACC: School-Age Child Care. The SACC program provides quality child care that is accessible and affordable. In addition to offering care before and after the school day, we offer care during the summer months, when school is not in session. Typical care hours are from 7am to 6 pm during the school year, and we support students in Pre-K through grade 6. Our program covers school minimum days without any additional fees for the families. Children must be enrolled in Branford Public Schools in order to attend SACC. Since the SACC program is part of Branford Public Schools, we will follow all notifications made by the school district regarding emergency delays, emergency dismissals, and closings. 

All paperwork and payments must be submitted to the SACC office before a child can start attending SACC. Payments must be made in the form of a check or money order. We currently accept Child Care Aware for our military families.